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Our Strength

At Prakhya, “Quality is Personified”. Proving true to the statement, all of the management team of the company has been associated with it since its inception. They have a vast experience in the fields of Marketing, Finance and Shop floor Management. Our entire team is highly experienced and skilled to execute challenging jobs efficiently, by minimising print production runtime and maximising production quality. Quality is at the core of Prakhya, and is its founding strength.

Our Strength: Text
Printing Machine Ink
Prakhya Srirama Murthy garu_edited.jpg

Sri Rama Murthy

The Inspiration

Late Mr. Sri Rama Murthy was an award winning playwright, whose work had been highly acclaimed for the progressive and far-sighted content. Although being a man of few words, Mr. Sri Rama Murthy commanded great respect from his peers and the seniors in the industry. His work and his discipline has been the motivation and inspiration to his son to establish Prakhya's printing era.

Durga Prasad

Executive Director

The founder of Prakhya Art Printers, has been the Executive Director of the company from its inception. Mr. Prakhya has who has started his career as a commercial artist, in early 1970's, has brought in an unmatched advantage to the company. He has since grown up to establish his own firm. His leadership has been the backbone, and is being credited to the organizational success.

Panduranga Vittal

Administration Chief

Mr. Panduranga Vittal has been the pillar of our strength. He has relentlessly administered the company during all phases - the highs and the lows. Mr. Vittal has dedicated several decades towards ensuring that Prakhya is well supported and is taken care of. The entire staff of the company adores him the most for his compassionate leadership.

Our Strength: Meet The Team
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